Educational objectives and program outcomes



Educational objectives and program outcomes




l   Educational objectives

To cultivate talented people in mechanics with practical ability, creative research and solving ability.



l   Program outcomes



1.      Have the basic abilities in physics, precision machinery designing and manufacture, power sources and thermal current, system integration and control, micro/nano system and material analysis.

2.      Have the abilities in practice, observation, analysis, inference, generalization, and determination.

3.      Have the abilities of communication and international vision. Have the accomplishments with the sound morality.

4.      Have dedicated attitude and teamwork with passion, low stress, and responsibility.


Graduate program

l   Educational objectives

To cultivate advanced talented people with practical ability, creative research and solving problems.



l   Program outcomes



1.      Have the professional abilities in precision machinery, optical machine and control, and materials and power sources.

2.      Have the abilities in discovering problems, solving problems, and showing research results.

3.      Fulfill the moral of our school: Liberality, firmness, refinement, diligence. In addition to this, have the abilities of career planning and lifelong education.

4.      Have the abilities of teamwork, communication and harmony, and international vision. Also, have the sense of mission with the job and society.